Business Review Meeting

A Business Review Meeting ( BRM ) was underway with a business owner client yesterday after we have just closed the books for the last few months ( current period ). As usual, our Accounting Director, Accounting Manager, Accountant and myself ( CFO ) were presenting to the business owner in this BRM.
This was the first BRM with a new client we just onboarded.
This busy business owner has been traveling so much that we have not been able to secure an appointment with.
This meeting started in mid afternoon yesterday.
This meeting went past office hour, then it went past dinner time, and we were not even half way done….
Then the clocked was showing 7.30pm…
We presented the accounts we just taken over from the previous accountant for the previous accounting period to the business owner, there were many unexplainable journal entries put through without supporting evidence.
Then we went through the current office Work Flows and Documents Flow. We raised our pain points for current inadequacies in these flows for accounting purposes.
We presented what “Garbage-In, Garbage-Out” mean in the financial statements to this business owner.
Then we presented the impact of the recent Corporate Shareholding re-structuring have on the Share Capital and the missing work needed to be done with ACRA to be compliant.
We went into the evening running through the list of Pending Items needed to complete the accounts in the current period.
We went through the Order Book in detail, only to uncover many deals were completed pending sales invoicing, and some missing new contracts signed which were not booked into the Order Book yet.
The BRM finally ended.
The business owner was exhausted and drained.
This business owner then made a comment “Thank you for taking the time to present all these to me, I feel so bad to have neglected all these all this while. Thank you for your hard work !”
These were sweet words to our ears.
Our hungers were gone immediately.
All our hard work was worth it, my whole team felt so appreciated. The feeling that no money can buy.
Our team gathers the energy again and go go go …
Next client today…
If you need help, feel free to contact us at :
(O) +65 63851011
(M) +65 90880669