
Monthly Business Review Meetings

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The month of October 2017 just ended 8 days ago.

Starting tomorrow, my office Boardroom will be converted into a “War Room” to review the performances of my clients’ businesses for the month of September with my clients’ Directors and Business Owners!

Areas of review includes Revenue trending, Gross Margin of various Revenue Pillars, Changes in Fixed Costs and Breakeven Sales, Unusual Income and Expenses, Liquidity, Solvency and Gearing, Net Asset Value, Cash Flow, Rolling Income Forecast till end of Fiscal Year Vs Budget, Rolling Cash Flow, just to name a few.

Clear Action items with names of Persons In Charge of these actions, will be tabulated during the 3-hour Business Review Meetings, Follow Up actions on prior months’ BRM, and revisiting longer term Corporate Actions needed.

Just tomorrow alone, we shall be having 3 Business Review Meetings, – ie morning, afternoon and evening – with 3 different groups of clients !

We treat each and every of our clients seriously.

Timing of BRM is key every month to develop very prompt Action Items for our clients so as to ensure rectifications and actions are quickly put into execution immediately after the meetings!

We really mean it when we say we will deliver!

If you need help, feel free to contact us at :

(O) +65 63851011

(M) +65 90880669

(E) [email protected]

Written by Kelvin Loh