
Why Outsource Accounting to Corporate BackOffice?

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Bookkeeping is a “Means to an End”, Not “An End by Itself” – this is what really differentiates Corporate BackOffice from the other Accounting Outsource service providers

In my past career as a CFO of companies, I noticed many Accountants rushed through datelines to churn out tons of financial reports.

Then they would rush to submit these Reports to their bosses, and that’s it, call it a day and go home.

This is really a waste of both the Accountants’ time and their Bosses’ time.

Let me explain…

Bosses usually :

* do not have much time for details

* are not trained to look at stacks of accounting reports to arrive at their own conclusions

Accountants on the other hand, they ….

* are too details driven

* too transactional driven

* lack the Big-Picture perspective

* do not have much business sense

At Corporate BackOffice…

* we not only train our Accounting Staff to be good Accountants to do “Proper Bookkeeping”, we train them to review the clients’ Financial Statements from the angle of a Business man.

* We train our Accounting Staff to behave like “Business Owners”.

Corporate BackOffice prides ourselves in value-adding to our clients by :

* Generating good quality Accounting Reports

* Always Reconcile Accounting Net Profits to Actual Cash balances at Bank at end of the Accounting Period

* Analyze financial reports 360 degree,

* Ask good quality questions

* Do rolling Forecasts to anticipate how Clients’ business would turn out either at end of the whole fiscal year or at least 3 months ahead

* If possible, Do Sensitivity Analysis – ie Base, Worse and Best case scenarios

* Do Market Benchmarking if information is available, and

* “Challenge” the clients on their existing business model and their various business actions in order to leap frog their Competitors

To experience the above Bookkeeping with a difference, contact us at :
(O) +65 63851011
(M) +65 9088 0669
(E) [email protected]

Written by Kelvin Loh