
Success in Accounts Receivables Management is Key to Cash Controls

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What is the point of Selling without Cash Collections?

A successful sale transaction is measured when sales receipts are promptly collected.

Cash is needed to fund business expenses.

You deserve to be paid for your services duly rendered.

Hence, don’t just look at the Cash in your Bank account. Always eye ball on the uncollected Cash we call “Accounts Receivables”.

Ability to make prompt Collections is an art.

It means complete client satisfaction of services or products delivered.

It also mean good relationship with the client to deserve early payment.

Focus on your Client Deliveries ( CD ) , Client Experiences ( CE ) of your services and Client Relationships ( CR ) .

Good CD + CE+ CR = Cash

If you need help, feel free to contact us at :

(M) +65 90880669

(E) [email protected]

Written by Kelvin Loh