Found 26 results for “tax claim”

Success Story: How Corporate BackOffice Helped Josiah Tan and Melvin Soh Save on Taxes

At Corporate BackOffice Pte Ltd, our mission is to optimize your tax strategy and maximize your savings. We’re excited to share a success story of how we helped our client, Josiah and Melvin, significantly reduce their overall tax burden. Balancing Company and Personal Taxes Josiah and Melvin, business partners, approached us to help streamline his […]

Maximize Your Tax Savings with Corporate BackOffice

  At Corporate BackOffice Pte Ltd, we understand that navigating the complex landscape of tax regulations can be challenging for SMEs. That’s why our comprehensive tax preparation services are designed to ensure that you take full advantage of all possible claims for tax deductions and allowances. Here’s how we can help you save more:   […]

Slash Your Tax Liabilities with These Legal Strategies!

Want to reduce your tax liabilities legally? Here are some expert strategies to help you save big: 1. Ensure Tax Deductibility of Business Expenses o Make sure all your business expenses are properly supported and serve legitimate business purposes. This ensures they are fully deductible. 2. Maximize Double Deductions o Take advantage of double deduction […]

Top 5 Tax Deductions Every Small Business Should Know in Singapore

Managing taxes is a crucial aspect of running a small business in Singapore. Understanding the tax deductions available can help reduce your tax liability and improve your business’s financial health. Here are the top five tax deductions every small business should know to maximize their savings and reinvest in their growth. 1. Employee Remuneration and […]

Tax Planning is Key to Maximizing Cash to Owner

It is the time of year now when business owners need plan to minimize their overall tax leakages after 1 hard year’s working in business. If a business owner leaves more in his business, there will be more business profits available to be taxed. He can either move some of his profits away to his […]

Why Are Some Business Expenses Not Allowed For Tax Deduction By IRAS?

  There are various provisions of the Singapore Income Tax Act that have been applied in arriving at the tax adjusted loss / profit. In very broad terms, some of the basic principles are that the expense allowed must be “wholly and exclusively in the production of the (company’s) income” (Section 14(1) of the income Tax […]

Withholding Tax liability In Singapore

  A payer must withhold tax when certain types of payments (e.g. interest, royalty, services etc) are made to non-resident companies.   When to File and Pay Withholding Tax? The e-filing of withholding tax and payment are due on 15th of the second month from the date of payment to the non-resident. If you are […]

How To Maximize Your CPF Cap For Your Tax Planning?

  Tax Planning Tips : How to maximize your CPF cap as Personal Relief to your Personal Chargeable Income by declaring some of your company profits in the form of year end bonus to yourself? Received some enquiries yesterday to explain and illustrate how to maximize CPF cap as a form of year-end Tax Planning […]

Fraudulent PIC Claim

  Please do not try to be “creative” in order to claim your PIC, it’s not worth it ! IRAS takes a serious view of taxpayers who defraud the government. Offenders convicted of PIC fraud will have to pay a penalty of up to 4 times the amount of cash payout fraudulently obtained, & a […]

Group Tax Relief

  Early this week I was doing some tax planning with a business owner who owns more than 10 companies directly under his name. Some of these companies are doing well, some are not. When I asked if he would like to save some taxes via GR, he stared at me blankly… When I did […]

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