
Is Client Always Right?

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Not necessary so.

Recently I received a call from my client, informing me of some changes in his company’s workflow to simplify his company’s billing process.

My Manager was trying to advise his staff of the inherent flaws in this impending new billing workflow, which will disadvantage his firm from both GST point of view in the immediate term, and also disadvantage his firm from Corporate Income Tax at year end.

My client insisted that my Manager did not understand his business model, and hence did not advise his staff appropriately.

I viewed this very seriously. So i told him I would investigate into this matter. I told him I would personally take responsibility if my Manager has given his staff inappropriate advice.

Upon my investigation, I discovered the inherent flaws in the impending new workflows.

I then called this client personally to explain our stance, and how we feel he should not change existing workflows so as to avoid the increased tax exposures.

Though the intended new workflows would make the contracts tracking process much easier on my client’s side, the huge tax exposures do not warrant this change.

Sometimes, Clients may not be always right.

Stand firm to deliver value to our clients. Afterall, this is what our clients are hiring us for.

If you need help, feel free to contact us at :

(O) +65 63851011

(M) +65 90880669

(E) [email protected]


Written by Kelvin Loh